
Creative Valentine Boxes and a FREEBIE!

Hello friends! With Valentine's Day right around the corner, I thought I'd share what I am doing with my students for Valentine boxes! I usually have an organized craft that we make to hold the treasures on the big day. This year, I decided to mix it up a bit and I am doing absolutely nothing! The kiddos are

I have a really creative bunch this year. To give them a chance to let their creativity shine and to coordinate a fun at-home bonding experience, I am letting the students decorate their own box! They are super excited about it!

 The first of the boxes arrived just in time to bring you this post!
 Isn't this just the cutest thing????

We're not holding a contest or anything. The students are encouraged to decorate their box however they choose. I don't expect all of the boxes to look like this masterpiece! I explained to the class that they could use items they already had at home. We brainstormed lots of ideas that wouldn't involve a trip to the craft store.

I recently sent a note home that explains the project. It went home early enough to give the families time to gather their supplies. I even excused the students from their homework this week so they have some extra time to work on it. I want this to be fun, not stressful. I know how busy life with kids is!

I'm excited to share more photos of the finished projects with you! If you think you might want to mix things up a bit this year, you can download the note I sent home {here}.

There is an editable version available {here}so you may type in whatever you like! 

The download also includes some writing pages. This will be our writing activity on the day we celebrate Valentine's Day.

I hope you can use these with your class or file the idea away for another time!

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