
End of the Year Poem to Parents

Ending the school year is bittersweet, especially when it means saying goodbye to the children and families we have grown so close to. Parents trust us to care for, nuture, inspire and protect their precious little ones (and big kids too). During the year, we help them to grow in every way. This sweet little poem is something I like to print on colored paper to send home on the last day inside my student's keepsake boxes!

 Isn't it so precious?
There are a few different font options too!
It is sure to bring tears to your parents' eyes when they read it!
 If you would like a copy, you can download it here

For my teacher friends who start in a month other than September, or don't end in June, leave me a comment and I'll post a revision for you!
 You'll want to check back again for the link!


  1. Aw this is precious! I love it! Could you change September to August for me? I'd love to use this poem for the end of the year. :) Thanks!


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