
End of the Year Projects~ Pizza Keepsake Boxes and Memory Books

Boy this year just flew by! I can't believe that next week we start our end of the year projects! I am sitting here this evening printing the pages I need to make our oh, so cute pizza boxes! This is a tradition of mine and I consider it and the contents inside (like a DVD of class photos) to be my gift to the students and families! 

My mom did a lovely job coloring this example for the photo shoot, don't you think? She had fun making it! Mom comes in every year at this time (and weekly too) to help me. She assembles the boxes and passes out all of the children's treasures I have been saving.

One project from each month and all sorts of goodies like pick sticks, cubby tags and other special items get sent home in the box. The kids have a blast looking through all of their crafts while remembering all of the fun themes we had throughout the year! The parents go crazy when they come home and absolutely LOVE the boxes!

I took a trip out this weekend to Gordon Food Service to pick up some small white boxes. I was happy to walk out of there with 50 boxes for $15.00! Local pizza places will often donate boxes too if you smile and tell them you are a teacher! 

What else is in the box? When you lift the lid, there is a cute page of ABC's through the year. I type up some special things that we have done during the year that begin with that first letter. Inside is a sentence completion page about the year too. I always personalize a special poem for each child to include. All of those pages are in the Pizza Box Craftivity

NEW THIS YEAR... I thought it would be really cute to add a slice of pizza to the box in the form of a shape book! 

As we look back at the year, we will use the brainstorming sheet that is included to generate some ideas for writing on each page of the book. 
There is one page for each slice, or month, of the year! 

Here is how my example turned out:

 It looks good enough to eat! I printed mine in color, but there are black and white covers for the students to color too. Covers are created for Kindergarten, First, Second and Third Graders.

This brand new item will be free for the next two hours! 
Head over to my store and grab a copy to try out with your class! 
I hope you like it! :)

I like looking back with these kinds of activities as much as the kids do. 
We always end the year feeling wildly accomplished!

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a great tradition and something your students will remember!! Thank you for sharing it with us!

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 


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