Reading Nonfiction Activities, Task Cards and a Giveaway!

Yes, we are reading to learn! My class is just loving our new unit all about reading nonfiction! Their favorite activity so far has been our text features hunt! This is a great, easy activity to try with your class after introducing text features! 

Nonfiction Text Features Hunt
The last time we visited the school library, each student was asked to check out a nonfiction book. It didn't matter what the reading level was or the topic, for this activity. I wanted to be sure we had a good variety of books strictly for searching for features that had already been introduced.

The kids were assigned a buddy to work with. Each was given a task and told in advance that they would be responsible for sharing out in front of the class afterward.They did not know what they would have to share, but knew that it would be important to stay on task and engaged. I like to keep them on their toes so they are always accountable in some way! The partners went on their search through their own books.

As they hunted, I tapped each group on the shoulder and told them to be ready to share an example of...and assigned one that I saw a good example of in their book as I roamed the room. 

Then, it was time to teach and share, only the students were the ones doing the teaching! Each group showed their text feature and explained how the feature helps better understand the topic! By doing this, the children were able to see a great variety in text features and to get some practice with speaking opportunities!

 I had a brainstorm during the week and decided to create a set of task cards that I can use over and over with a variety of books so that we can repeat this activity every now and again. 
I created task cards, letter cards for setting up rotation stations and cards to use to hand out to the children so they remember which task they are responsible for sharing.

I just added this new task card set to my store!
It includes recording sheetsletter cards and share cards.
 It is all ready to go for the next time we do a hunt as a scoot activity

If you'd like to preview it, click on the picture!

Guided Reading Groups and Book Clubs
We have been alternating between fiction and nonfiction books this year using RAZ-Kids books and other leveled books during guided reading.
 After reading fiction, the group uses Book Club Question Cards
Each student picks a card from the draw pile, reads it and answers the question or completes the task. It's a good, quick way for me to assess their comprehension and it keeps them accountable and engaged because they know they will get to share within group. 

While I am working with small groups,other students are running book clubs independently and these cards keep their discussions focused. I also use them after read-alouds! 

 A NEW SET for our nonfiction books! 

They also come in a printer-friendly black and white version! :)

You can enter to win a set of colorful nonfiction book club cards for your classroom! 
Three lucky winners will be chosen. 
Head on over to Teachers Notebook to enter 

Fancy New Frames!
Did you notice the new frames and bunting that coordinate with my blog?
 I am using them for the first time in this post! 
 The custom set is from Jen at Teaching in the Tongass
You get to pick the colors and she matches your color scheme perfectly!

The Chipmunk Gang
This is winter break for us. We are trying to make the best of the week and work in at least a little fun. My boy had his impacted wisdom teeth out and is sporting the famous post-op chippy cheeks
 See the lower impacted tooth pushing the second molar roots? And the domino effect? Not good. 
He's just 15, but with an award-winning smile after two rounds of braces, it was time!
 Before teaching, I spent many years working as an orthodontic assistant, so I am really into teeth!

I'm proud of what a trooper he has been through this surgery! Worried mom is relieved it is over with!

I've spent a lot of time getting creative this week with soft food concoctions as you might guess! 
His favorite-cottage cheese and noodles! 

 Because it's vacation, of course, I'm sick with swollen glands. Ugg~happens every time.
But...the good news is, we both get to have lots of ice cream!
Later on, it's just what the doctor ordered- a trip to Dairy Queen! 
Have you tried their cherry sundae? Yummy! That's what I'm having!

A New Student
Student Teacher, that is! Monday, I welcome my second wonderful intern for the year. Valerie is so excited and enthusiastic! I have just six short weeks with her and hope to be able to give her a great experience in that time! I'm getting ready by planning for her time while off this week. 
When I retire, I would like to be a university supervisor, mentoring the best of our future teachers!

Well, I think that is five tidbits about the week! Thanks for reading along! 

 Link up your Friday post with Doodle Bugs Teaching

I hope you enjoy a fantastic blizzard-free, thunderstorm-free or whatever acts of nature-free weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Your non-ficition activities look awesome! I am going to check our your giveaway and enter asap! I love Jen's custom frames too. Yours turned out perfect! Enjoy the rest of your break and take care of Mr. Chippy Cheeks. I hope he is back in action soon.
    Bright Concepts 4 Teachers


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